Let me take you to the Mardi Gras fa la la la la la! ^-^ How about Let's take Liz to the Mardi Gras?
Aztec Enchantment: By Jem and the Holograms!
Can't get my Love together: By Jem and the Holograms *Thanx Fudge, you rock!*
I would LOVE to thank Grant for the stills for the animated gif, Anna for
the pic on the background and for the wavs that These MP3's are from! Except
Beat This, which is from Synergy'd Index! And I want to thank Fudge from
Jem's Starlight Jukebox! Now that THAT's done, that's it for now folks!
Just whipped this little page out in a hurry! I always take requests and
comments would be cool! And people, Jem belongs to Claster TV, Sunbow, Sony Wonder, and Hasbro!
Elizabeth King
Do You CARE about Jem? Click here and Sign the petition for new dolls, and to get her back on TV!
And here's the second part! ^-^
GO Here! It's The Britta Phillips Internet Fan Club! Whooo
This is Grant's Page! It's one of the
best ones on Jem I've seen!
And This is Anna's page! Where I got
those wonderful wavs!
You want Jem back on the Air? I know you do! Click here and find out How!
Are you mad about Jem not being on the air? I sure as hell am! Click here to find out what YOU can do!
This Jem Ring site is owned by Liz King
Want to join The Jem Web Ring?
Copyright: Jem is the property of Hasbro Inc & Sunbow Productions